Messy Church

Messy Church
We continue to have lots of fun at Messy Church each month. In October the theme was Light and Dark, as the clocks went back it was a good time to look at the world around us, the families decorated star biscuits, made stained glass windows from tissue paper, made shiny cd mobiles and drew night time pictures using chalks. There was the opportunity to use clay to make some nocturnal animals and animals which hibernate. They made paper plate clocks and played with the many toys we use each month. After a time for Celebration in Church we all sat down for a tasty tea.

We always try to meet on the last Friday in the month so our next Messy Church is on Friday 24th November when we will start to think about Advent.

In December we are meeting on Friday December 22nd. This will be a celebration of all things Christmassy, ending with a Celebration tea together.

Please come along and join us from 1.30pm.

All ages are very welcome.


Entrance is free: Donations welcome.